
Miss? (well it is technicaly my title)

The random rantings of my strange little mind - give me a break I just started this - I have no clue

Monday, August 25, 2003

I officialy hate the new professor. I mean granted he was comming into hostile territory to begin with because A. His candidating sermon at chappel was excedingly borring and over everyone's heads and B. he is replacing everyone's favorite professor who was extreemely unceremoneoulsy dummped by our ilustrious academic dean (who than heavens resigned over the summer). OK the old professor who is awesome he is funny he is interesting he made us think he wrote his own curriculum for his classes and it is so good he should really get it published and although he does make you work hes willing to work with you on doing things a way that worked for you and he realized that we have other classes to so he was reasonable about homework loads - in short we alll love him. For the past several years since his dad died he has been living in Indiana taking care of his mom while our college is in Nebraska. He has commuted from indiana to Nebraska every single week for like 3 or 4 years now, he'd get here in time for class on Monday and leave as soon as it was over on Friday, which did make it kinda hard for students to ask questions and stuff but he was always verry good about repling to emails. Our college is moving about 2 hours south in the next few years so he was planning on moving his mother to the new location when we moved but he didnt want to make her move twice so he was just going to keep commuting till then. Well our lovely academic dean decided that that wasnt good enough so they went looking for a new prof. The old professor knew they were looking and was ok with that you know if they find one thats fine he would understand. So they hired this new guy. But they never told our old one that he had been replaced. He found out the same time whe did, when this semesters scheduals came out and his name wasnt on it and the new guy's was. Now isnt that just awful. SO yeah the new guy is comming into hostile territory already for the simple fact that he is not our old proffessor. Well now I just got my sylabus for his class and it is insane- he is a by the book rigid no room for creativity, you study my way or you flunk, type jerk. And on top of all that lovelieness I also found out that for being an RA you know what we get payed? $350 a semester! and thats it! we even still have to pay room and board - how unbelievable is that? Can you tell Im just fumming today. My parents live in town so I could live with them but I really just need to get out of the house so I was planning on living in the dorms. My grandpa pays for tuition so all I have to pay is room and board and when I got the RA thing I was going ok so now I dont need to worry about that even so I told work that I would only be able to work like 2 days a week. Well now I dont get my room paid for, I have huge loads of homework and Im an RA which means I cant work any more than I already said I would so I wont be able to afford to be an RA next semester, or even be in the dorms. THat is totaly idiotic, it should not cost you $1,420 to be an RA!!!! GRRRRRRRR! well I was writing this to hopefuly get it off my chest but now Im even more upset. Bye all. (pkease pardon spelling, punctuation, etc. like I said Im just a wee bit upsett)
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 12:11 PM

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Well I havent done much on this lately, Ive really been to busy to write anything other than quickie emails. I really need to get another chapter done on Elves and Pirates but between busyness and a touch of writers block it just hasnt happened lately. School starts tuseday, I have to be there tommorow for an RA meeting then the rest of the weekend is freshman orientation that I have to be at. Its nice living in the same town as the school though when it comes to moving cause you know if you decide not to bring something or forget it or whatever all you have to do it drive accross town. I also feel the need to express for randomness sake that my friends are wiered. Dont get me wrong this is a good thing but it just needed to be stated. This stems from a LONG string of emails that has been going around all week that are quite silly and at least slightly insane. I wont try to explain it because twould make little to no sense to those who are not of the odd little group known affectionately as the Ancients. Namarie.
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 11:34 PM

Friday, August 15, 2003

well so it kinda worked -kinda not ah well what is was supposed to say is "You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait." It actualy does fit really well. And one of my friends has said for a while now that she is Eowyn and I am Arwen so hey. The one for the that is based off the MBTI (kinda the gold standard personality test) dosent seem to fit though, first it said Galadriel then Sam and neither of their descriptions really fit verry well - I suppose Sam is closser though - hmm, maybe its just cause Ive taken the MBTI so many times (why that would make a difference I dont know but hey it sounded good). lol this one is fun "You are Pippin! You enjoy being your friends and you'll go anywhere with them, not caring where it is you are going. You'll do anything for your friends... and maybe some food and a drink! You like having fun, but you also have a tendency of being a klutz. But as long as you have your friends (and somewhat careful), all is well in your world!" oh it is just to true, hehe. Well Ive now done about a million of these but this was my favorite I love this - aw heck yeah I can now proudly declare myself an "Uber Geek" geeks are the coolest - horray for being a geek - ok Ill shut up now - night all.

You are an UberGeek!

What type of LotR fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 1:53 AM

Thursday, August 14, 2003

I found this uber cool site with literaly hundreds of Lord of the Rings personality tests. Now I have had a strange obsession with personality tests for years, ever since my mom was in grad school (counseling) and started having to study on personality types and had to have guinei (sp?) pigs to use the tests on. I also have a substantial obsession with LOTR so I am rather loopy at the moment because of this - hehe. And I should be either cleaning or asleep right now but well yeah Im not (I really am just asking for stress arent I?) Im curious if one of these little things it keeps giving me actualy work so Im going to try it hehe

What LoTR Character Are You?

well here goes...

posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 11:33 PM
Rarr! Nothing really noteworthy. After 4 days worth of hard work my room is actualy starting to look somewhat better - its still a disaster area but you can tell Ive been working on it. I just counted through a monthish's worth of change from tips and stuff and had almost $100! So I splurged and bought myself a TV/VCR combo for my dorm. Oh the happiness, now I need to get myself my own coppies of some of my favorite movies, I definatly need my own copy of Princess Bride - "Hello, my name in Inigo Montoya, you kill my father, prepare to die!". I went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean again with my old roomate's little sister today. She mentioned when I took her with me last time I went to go see them (my best friends/her sister and brother in law) that she wanted to see it but her parents werent interested and she didnt have anyone to go to it with so I told her Id take her - not like I mind seeing it again - hehe. I think that brings the count to 6 now - not certain though. I cant wait to that DVD comes out - I will wear it out as bad as Princess Bride is. Horray for Swords, Sapp, and Silliness!!!!! Im just not in the mood to work on Elves and Pirates tonight - Im annoying myself with that - I need to get as much done as I can before school starts and it gets put on the back burrner. I really want to go to Lincoln next week but I dont see how I can - I guess if I work REALLLY hard on my room tommorow and get it almost done so that I can start moving junk on Friday maybe I can mannage a short trip. Well since Im really just rambling aimlessly - Im not even griping about something, Ill call it quits for the night - Im still wide awake though - maybe I should work on my room some yet tonight even. Namaarie! ~Lindaleriel
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 12:33 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Finaly posted another chapter in Of Elves and Pirates today. I get soo excited about reviews, hehehe. I wish I knew how to do cool stuff with this but that HTML (?) or whatever its called stuff is just totaly over my head. Baaaaaa the evilness! I am so stinkin mechanicly inept. My "big brother" was going to teach me how to check my oil once and had to teach me how to open the trunk thing first. (hood? is that the right word for the trunk thing?). I want to buy a tv/vcr for my dorm room. My mom says I shouldn't cause its expensive and it will distract from schoolwork but its really annoying not to have when you want to watch a movie with friends or something. We'll see. Not much else interesting. I didnt get to go to church AGAIN because I had to work Sunday morning AGAIN after I asked them AGAIN to give me Sunday mornings for church. Baaaaaa! Tis quite annoying. I shall beat them with a stick. (lol well there is a good Christian attitude, I will beat you for not letting me go to church) I did go to SUDZ though (youth worship thing) which in all honesty Id rather go to than church even if its mostly highschoolers and the few college kids are from the community college in town not the christian college so I usualy know a total of about 3 people in the room and only one of those as more than an aquaintence. (my former roomate/best friend/"big sister"'s little sister). Well I think thats it cause I have no life, I work, I come home, I read fanfiction.net, I work on my story, I go to bed, I repeat - whee. ~Lindaleriel
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 11:27 PM

Friday, August 08, 2003

Nope action just isnt comming tonight baaaaaaa! Sorry to any of you (well if anyone is even reading this that is) who are waiting for my next chapter of my story at fanfiction.net. SO what to do now since I still cant sleep and writing my story isnt working and I dont want to clean..... well I guess if anyone is actualy reading this I could describe myself. I'm relatively short - well actualy more average, but when a decent majority of your friends are in the 5'11"-6'5" range it tends to make someone just over 5'4" feel really short (especialy when they call you shorty). I have really long kind of reddish brown (not quite auburn but definatly beyond plain brown) curly hair and hazely/green eyes. Im really really pale, I dont tan unless Ive been burned to a crisp and then only slightly darker than white - were talking like ecru as oposed to off white. Lets just say if I ever (for some unknown reason) decided to go goth all Id have to do was the black hair - my face is already the right color. As for weight well its not polite to ask a lady that ;-) (not skiny little twig but not tub o lard either). I'm 20 years old in my third year at a wittle itsy bitsy Bible college in Nebraska. (yeah, country girl through and through). Im a music major (thus my name, Lindaleriel, which means "lady of music" in elvish, not sure if its Quenya or Sindarin, also not sure if I spelled those right), I adore choral singing above all other forms of making music (first soprano - as in the girl who lives in the rafters and thinks middle C is a really low note), Ive recently leaned how to direct and am told Im fairly good at it but A I dont really like being in front of people unless Im just part of the choir B Id much rather be singing and C we already discused my leadership skills. Over this verry borring summer I have become quite obsessed with Lord of the Rings after finaly reading it and then through that have turned into a bit of an Orli fan girl - but I will assert that Legolas is my favorite character completely aside from the fact that he is played by Mr Hotness Bloom - thats just a bonus. I think Im going to call that it for now - Ill do more tommorow maybe. ~Namaarie
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 2:26 AM
Um well here I am again - whee. I really need to clean my blasted room, my parents are threatening to clean it for me if its not all taken care of before I have to move back into the dorms - good grief - not like its in their way. I stink at writing action scenes, blasted annoying (exactly why Im writing this instead of my story, Im stuck on the blasted sword fight) baaaa! I want a B.L.T. for some inexplicable reason, and its like 3:30 A.M. I called my best friends today to tell them I was going to be an RA this year and they laughed at me well rather I should say he laughed at me, the big Goober; she just snickered a little. *Sigh* they know me to well. My leadership skills are practicaly non existant. How did I get the job you ask? Because I am notorious for my tendancy to mother absolutly eveyone (including my best friend who is amost a foot taller than me, can throw me over his sholder like a bag of potatoes, and is my "adopted" big brother responsible for scaring away all goobers - well all goobers but himself that is - thats his wife's (my other best friend) job.). Well that and the fact that "my sholders are made of kleenex". Well yeah duh so not really but thats what someone once told me because I so often have someone crying on my sholder. Anyway enough rambling for now, going to go try to finnish the blasted swordfight again. ~Namaarie
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 1:49 AM

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Um...yes...well here this is...um - hi? Yeah I have no clue what Im doing with this, it just sounded like fun. I found out today that Im going to be an RA at my college this year so that was really cool. So Im going to go try and figure this out now. Namaarie
posted by Elizabeth/Lindy  # 10:59 PM


08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003  

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